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Here's one of a myriad of letters over the years, written  by numerous  folks opposed to the idea of a trail.
Jahnige program cover.jpg
Here's an essay I was asked to write earlier this year in a regional magazine about the concept of the 3 Stages of Truth. This in the context of the experience in Southampton.
3RD Stage of Truth.jpg
Here's the new deed for the town's newly purchased land along with the results of official town meetings showing strong support for having a greenway in Southampton.
deed w outline.jpg
A Timeline in Southampton
1995:  The idea of a 2.5 mile trail that would connect with Easthampton's Manhan Rail Trail was proposed.
1996:  Project was voted down.
2006:  Friends of the Southampton Greenway was launched. (FoSG)  
2007:  FoSG initiates a monthly speaker series with guest speakers coming in from all
 over the Northeast.  This is called "The Drip Method."  Drip Drip, Drip.
2010:  After 3 years of monthly meetings, the idea of a 2.5 mile trail  goes to town-meeting for a vote.  It passed. 
2011:   An official  town Greenway Committee is formed and they begin negotiations with the railroad
2019-21:   An agreement in principle is reached with the railroad on price and terms. However because of a ruling by the Dept. of Revenue-DOR,  three towns--including Southampton would not be allowed to use CPA funds to purchase the corridor.  Then the local State Representative, Lindsay Sabadosa, proposed, and got passed,  a bill, that would allow for a carve-out in DOR's rules that expressly allowed for the purchase of dead RR corridor.   Thanks again Lindsay.
2022:  In early 2022, the town meeting voted to move forward with the purchase.  On December 22, 2022 all the details were finalized and the official purchase of 4.25 miles took place.  Yes.  Not merely the 2.5 miles.  The town purchased all the land of the RR in Southampton--all the way to Westfield.
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